Today she embarks upon the adventure of 2 years old!
She has her own way of doing things, like galloping when she wants to get somewhere. She has a fetish about balls and belly buttons and will ask any stranger if she can look at their "button?" She is NOT shy at all and will reach for any person to hold her, even sitting in a stranger lady's lap at the library. She almost always wakes up happy and singing. She is loud, but it's usually a boisterous laugh, not a scream. She loves to wear dresses and high heels and fake jewelry. She loves to snuggle down with a crocheted blanket and read stories. She loves to love.
She is loved.
sweet sisters
Happy Birthday to my Joy
Happy Happy Birthday Joy Joy!
Very, very sweet little baby.
Birthdays are so sentimental for the mommas. (sigh)
Precious boo boo bear!
I love all the pictures! I got blog to its, its not as cool as yours I havent figured out how to make it all cool yet!
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