The candle usually looks yellow, but not in this picture. And the candle stand? I just glued a dollar store candlestick onto the bottom of a cute little black and white plate and ta da! Instant and cheap decor! Anyone can do that! There is something peeking out from behind the lamp... I was trying to hide it... it's the old dinosaur of an alarm clock that dear hubby's had since he was 12 or something. And it's U.G.L.Y.!
Here is the close-up on the painted pillow. I got the urge to do it and do it I did, however foolishly at midnight the night before my sister's bridal shower. I found this plain pillow at Wal Mart for 5 bucks. I bought yellow fabric paint (not thinking it would turn out so neon!). I had a tropical leaf sitting around and so I just traced it onto the pillow. Not a lot of genius really, just paint craziness, I guess.
Because it was midnight, I started to trace the leaf with a pen... duh, you can't erase pen! I quicky switched to pencil, but found later that pencil doesn't erase well off fabric either. Oh well. When I get around to it I'll paint a second coat on it and try to cover it up.
The knobs are not on it yet, partly because I think they're ugly, but they will go on soon so I can actually wear my clothes. Speaking of clothes, when before my clothes were jammed into my 5 drawer upright dresser and I was constantly getting rid of them, thinking I had too many... now, I see that I obviously don't have enough!
I have 10 drawers, y'all! And I need to fill them! ;-D
If you come over to see my bedroom in person, please just look the other way when you walk by my closet!
~christa jean
Shhh, that whole "fate" thing... Let's keep that between us. ; )
You make me laugh. Midnight, starting a project realizing it is in pen, switching to pencil and then realizing that won't work either. Oops, it's the story of my life. The life that God has redeemed. I am sitting hear with a stomach ache, probably because I ate to much rhubarb cake, I wonder over to your blog and all I can do is laugh. Hope your day is good. Let's meet soon. We are usually at 1045 on Sunday so if you wonder into the 'cry room' I am typically there. Will also be at Mom's in the Park. Blessings, Niina
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