If you were wondering. ;-D
I just wanted to pop in to say "Hey!" I'm sorry it's taken me this long to say something, anything!
I've missed you.
I've missed lots of things.
Some things I miss about Oregon:
~ My own bed
~ Being able to walk about in my undergarments
~ Someone else pumping my gas
~ My family
~ My friends
Some things I love about Washington:
~ Praying a lot
~ In-laws who pray for us a lot
~ Newness
~ People who are excited to see us and get to know us
~ All the trees
Some fun and not-so-fun moments (you be the judge of which were which):
~ Getting to see cool critters like starfish, spider crabs, and jellyfish out on Harstine Island.
~ The whole shopping cart flipping over and pinning Joy to the ground.
~ Me almost getting lost while driving.
~ Me getting all gussied up again for a new driver's license pic only to hate it once more.
~ Filling up the hot tub with cold water on the really hot days.
~ Roasting s'mores and looking out at the city from our backyard.
~ Not being able to find my Homeschool curriculum box that I carefully and specifically marked to come to the house and that I added a bunch of cool new supplies to.
Okay, that last one, I just about threw a tantrum about. Ahhhhh, a lesson in patience and flexibility I see!
Talk soon!
~christa jean
A breath of fresh air you are!
You are dearly missed here. But it's so lovely to see you and your darlings and know God is doing wonderous things in you all.
P.S. - The reality of your husband being so far away just hit my eldest. Evidently he was still counting on lessons... :(
It's good to hear from you guys! You are dearly missed, but I'm glad to see you guys are settling in.
Hope to see you the next time you come to town!
Glad to see you are doing well. I miss someone pumping my gas, too. I didn't realize you were previously in OR.
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